Aquarius Spectrum provides advanced acoustic solutions that conserve potable water and reduce non-revenue water (NRW). These solutions combine state of the art monitoring systems powered by Cat-M/NB-IoT acoustic correlating sensors. The application of Aquarius Spectrum specialised inspection technologies allows accurate leak detection, intensity estimation and well as leak classification, alerts and more.
The Aquarius Multi Spectral Correlation approach is a structured and systematic process which involves the identification, collection and analysis of relevant data. The acoustic correlating sensors enable you to continuously monitor the water network on a daily basis and record noise files each night. This data is sent to a cloud server that analyses the data and performs correlation between the sensors. Leak results are presented in a dashboard style format categorising leak intensity, pinpointing leak location and identifying multiple leaks. Leak data is also represented on a GIS map.
The AQSense-Edge (accelerometer-based) is the first in its kind acoustic correlating sensor installable externally, it provides fixed sensors installed on below ground pits to monitor metallic and AC large diameter pipes up to 600mm.
The AQSense-Edge Hydrophone acoustic correlating sensor taps into the water to receive the data from the water itself. The advanced sensor is designed especially for large diameter pipes generally above 600mm of all pipe materials including PE, PVC and large diameter transmission pipes.
The ability to transfer large amounts of data combined with high accuracy leak detection confirms the Aquarius Spectrum AQSense-Edge range to improve asset performance, balancing reactive demands against proactive development.
- Advanced leak detection utilising acoustic correlating sensors
- Cat-M/NB-IoT Edge communication — Android and IOS application
- Monitoring dashboard featuring data analysis and GIS map
- Easy installation/remote configuration and parameter changes